Social media can be a fickle friend. Follow community engagement best practices and you’ll be rewarded with a loyal (rabid, even) community. But, boy—pull a boneheaded move and they’ll turn on you. And it won’t be pretty. (Just ask Applebee’s.)
Online Readability – How To Write Content Bacon

What do pigs and great blog posts have in common? (Don’t pretend you’re not tracking with me here.) They’re both easily consumable. And when it comes to the latter, a strong focus on online readability will help you cook up some crisp content bacon.
Kid President On Awesomeness & Giving Back ~ You’ve Been Pep Talked!

When’s the last time you’ve been simultaneously moved to tears and inspired to awesomeness? Been awhile? Well, if you’re looking for your daily dose of inspiration, this 9-year old boy’s got it to give: A Pep Talk From Kid President To You is a must-watch.
So You Want to Be On The Web?

You have a message to share. And whether it’s about a product, service or issue, making that message available online will help you reach a larger audience.
Provided you do the job right, of course.
How To Write Killer Blog Content From the Get-Go

“Everyone’s a writer,” sighs the frustrated editor. Then comes the inevitable eye roll, as they sit down to shape their client’s blog content.
I’ve heard it a hundred times.
The thing is I think many clients are capable of producing at least some of their content internally (or at least getting closer-to-final) than their editors give them credit for; they just need a little guidance.
Sustainability Meets Technology on the Trails of Elm Creek
It was an unseasonably warm autumn day when I pulled into French Regional Park in Plymouth, Minnesota. The fall colors were near peak–a perfect day for a hike–but instead I was there to meet with friend and fellow cyclist, Jay Thompson. Jay is a project manager for Three Rivers Park District, a 21-park, 27,000-acre system in the Minneapolis/St. Paul western suburbs. French Regional Park is home to the Three Rivers’ Field Operations Center, which is where I was headed.