Squarespace or WordPress: Navigate Your Path to Profitability

Two roads diverge in a digital wood. To the left lies a rapid Squarespace site, and to the right, WordPress. Each presents a potential path to sustainable business growth. But which to choose? Clients often approach us with equal parts excitement and anxiety—and we get it. A misstep can cost precious resources. So, which offers the clearest path forward?

Like most things in life, “It depends.”

Ignore Website Maintenance—and Find Yourself in the Viagra Business

Your website is often the first experience a prospective customer will have with your brand. As a result, it can create a powerful framing effect. Give them a positive first experience, and that warm afterglow will lay the groundwork for trust and soften any bumps further down the road. Those customers are also likely to revisit your site before making their buying decision. Should they stumble into a broken or hacked website at any point in their decision-making journey, you may never see them again.

How to Find a Web Developer That Will Do a Bang-Up Job for You

Your website is your digital face to the world. Done well, it will not only influence your audience—accelerating their time to decision—it will make taking action a breeze. So, whether you’re launching your first website or searching for a new team to bring in fresh perspectives, you need to know how to find a web developer that can deliver.

How to Fire Your Web Designer & Migrate Your Website to a New Agency

It happens. You build a website and discover the relationship you have with your digital agency isn’t a fit. Or, your website performance leaves a lot to be desired. Maybe you even discover that your web team is up to something shady. You need to know how to fire your web designer and gain control of your website—sometimes with a degree of stealth.

We’ll show you how.

Image SEO for Beginners – 5 Steps to Getting It Right

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. And, that may hold true…if you’re a hominid. But, if you want to succeed online, you’ll need to speak to search engines, too—and that means making image SEO part of your pre-launch routine.