Improving Site Search Rankings – Is it Google Love at First Byte?

Ah, the grand mystery of Google’s algorithms. Like any other good web developer or SEO, we’re constantly trying to eek every drop of advantage out of Google’s updates to boost our clients’ site search rankings.

So, back in 2010, when Google announced that your fat hog of a website would be penalized, we all gave greater attention to the size of our web pages and the speed in which we could deliver content to our visitors.

Why Content-Driven Web Development Trumps Design-First Process

So, you have a message you want to shout to the world, right? Well, a content-driven web development process will help you do exactly that. And with far more Rah-Rah-Rah than a design-first process can muster.

Unfortunately, clients who aren’t familiar with this ideas-first method might be frustrated when realization strikes: You mean I can’t get my hands on the design…now?

So You Want to Be On The Web?

You have a message to share. And whether it’s about a product, service or issue, making that message available online will help you reach a larger audience.

Provided you do the job right, of course.